校友會 >

The purpose of the Parent-Teacher Association is to build better relationships between parents and the school so that the welfare of the children is kept as a top priority.

All the committee members welcome you in the 2014-2015 academic year, to support our children in their learning process by providing necessary support at home and in the school.

In the past, the PTA has organized talks, seminars, one day tours, and various outdoor activities for parents to enrich their experiences and to build better relationships with each other. We encourage all members to participate in the activities arranged by the PTA and the School and contribute your time and experience so that we can all achieve the school’s motto and ambitions.

The PTA also gave scholarships to students who completed their homework. This has encouraged students to complete their homework and to strive to achieve better results in their academic performance.

We encourage communication between parents and teachers by way of issuing newsletters every year, uploading news for activities on the school web page and contacting parents by phone calls. The Parent Day is held every year in order to exchange ideas and share experiences between parents and teachers and, particularly to know and understand better the children.

We would like to further encourage you to communicate with us or the school directly and to express any views and opinions that can help us to improve our children’s education.

Lourdusamy, Arokiasamy先生




